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06-11-2023 14:03

Address by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, οn the occasion of the presentation of credentials by the new Ambassadors and High Commissioners

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all at the Presidential Palace today on the occasion of receiving your Letters of Credence appointing you as the new Ambassadors and High Commissioner to the Republic of Cyprus. I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for success during your official mission in Cyprus.

I would like to assure you of my Government’s steadfast support in the discharge of your high duties. The Republic of Cyprus will provide you with all the necessary assistance in the fulfilment of your important work in pursuit of promoting and fortifying our tangible cooperation both at bilateral level and multilateral level under the principles of common understanding, shared principles and mutual respect.

Your Excellencies,

There is no doubt that the world is facing increasingly turbulent times. The recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and the broader Middle East, an area of which Cyprus is an integral part, could not but constitute a cause for great concern. The current crisis, followed by Hamas’ horrifying terrorist attack against innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th, is taking place in Cyprus’ but also in the EU’s immediate neighbourhood. The ramifications of these events unfold far beyond the region, affecting both regional peace and security as well as the international order.

Given this opportunity, allow me to emphasise some of the main principles that determine our approach with regards to the ongoing situation:

Terrorism is a common threat to humanity that under no circumstance can be justified.

Hamas does absolutely not represent all Palestinian people nor the Palestinian cause.

Israel’s right to self-defense needs to be exercised in line with international law and international humanitarian law.

Protection of the civilian population is a basic component of humanitarian law and as such it needs to be respected and safeguarded.

Preventing further spread of the conflict is of paramount importance as a sharp escalation of violence should be avoided at all cost.

In the early aftermath of the horrific events unfolding in Israel and given Cyprus’ proximity, our Government decided to promptly activate the Special National Plan ESTIA for the reception and repatriation of foreign citizens through the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. To this day, Cypriot Authorities have evacuated more than a thousand people from 37 countries through the airports and ports of the Republic, while continuing to provide a safe haven for our partners wishing to evacuate their citizens.

My Government is also working on an initiative to facilitate the provision of humanitarian aid to the region. This initiative foresees the creation of a maritime corridor, as a channel for providing regular humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip via Cyprus. I had the opportunity to discuss this idea with various stakeholders. Through our contacts, we are encouraged by the received positive reaction to this initiative by regional leaders, the EU as well as by other stakeholders and international organisations and we continue working towards its implementation.

As I have mentioned, the current conflict presents a serious national security threat not just for the countries concerned and the region but for the world at large. At the same time, my call to countries that are not in our immediate neighbourhood is to acknowledge that the situation before us requires the collective engagement of the international community, in terms of international peace and security in general, and the Middle East Peace Process, in particular. I strongly believe that only the political prospect of the Peace Process and the solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict based on the proposed framework of two states can pave the path for regional stability and lasting peace.

Your Excellencies,

One of the lessons we are reminded of by the current situation in Cyprus’ immediate neighbourhood is that there are no frozen conflicts. In the absence of viable and lasting peace, the risk of erupting crises, complemented by devastating consequences, is ever-present. For this and for numerous other reasons there is a sense of urgency on my part regarding the Cyprus problem. I am very well aware what is at stake for Cyprus, if a path for reunification is not established.

The status quo in Cyprus is not a viable option, neither for our island and all Cypriots nor for any actor with an interest in the security and stability of this region. The recent assault by the Turkish army against United Nations personnel in the area of Pyla, inside the buffer zone, proves that the status quo is certainly not static either.

Having in mind that a solution to the Cyprus problem is vitally important not only for Cyprus and Cypriots but also for a region that continuously faces several major challenges, I wish to reiterate my commitment towards reaching a comprehensive, just and viable settlement. As I have repeatedly stated, the solution of the Cyprus problem must include the evolution of the Republic of Cyprus into a functional federal state, where all citizens live in conditions of security and understanding, without occupying troops and obsolete external dependencies. The solution must also be in line with the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, the EU acquis, and European principles and values.

I stand ready to negotiate boldly, in good faith, always within the agreed UN framework that calls for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, as defined by the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. I am also committed to negotiating a settlement that will safeguard the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all my Cypriots compatriots. In these efforts, I wish to reemphasise the great necessity for the appointment of an UN Envoy, who could provide critical support in the search for common ground with the goal of returning to formal negotiations. I firmly believe that this is the only path towards lasting peace.

This of course can only take place if Turkey eventually diverges from its unacceptable position for a “two states” solution and for “sovereign equality”. Ongoing Turkish efforts to promote the recognition of the secessionist entity in the occupied part of the Republic of Cyprus must be condemned. Such outrageous demands not only disregard and contravene international legality, but they also undermine the basic principles of international law, including the respect of sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of all states.

Your Excellencies,

I am pleased to observe that Cyprus and Sri Lanka maintain traditionally friendly relations and enjoy close cooperation in international fora, including the United Nations and the Commonwealth. Our relations are based on our common colonial past, on our adherence to the principles of the UN Charter, as well as on mutual respect and understanding. An important additional parameter that has contributed to the strengthening of our ties has been the presence of a numerous and vibrant Sri Lankan community in Cyprus. High Commissioner Wellwatte, Cyprus highly values its friendship with Sri Lanka, and I take this opportunity to express my Government’s readiness to further strengthen and expand our cooperation on various areas, including the economic, touristic, health, investment and educational fields, as well as through exchange of visits at multiple levels.

Ambassador Rizal, Cyprus and Nepal are geographically distant, but they enjoy a traditional friendship, based on mutual respect and understanding. Cyprus highly values its constructive cooperation with Nepal, and I take this opportunity to express my Government’s readiness to coordinating our efforts to expand the ties between our countries, at the bilateral and multilateral levels. Nepal’s contribution to UNFICYP’s police component is an indicative example of your country’s adherence to the principles of the UN Charter, and a valuable commitment to the maintenance of peace and security in Cyprus. At this point, allow me to express the deepest condolences of the Government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus to all of those affected by Friday’s earthquake in Nepal, including the families of those who died or were injured. Cyprus stands with the people of Nepal during this difficult time.

Cyprus and Colombia are also geographically distant but they enjoy friendly and cooperative relations. The Government of Cyprus is ready to work with the Government of Colombia to further advance our bilateral cooperation in several areas, including economy, education and culture. We wish to also enhance our collaboration at the multilateral level, based on our unfaltering commitment to multilateralism and respect for international law. Ambassador Bitar, Cyprus has always been a strong supporter of the implementation of the Peace Agreement in Colombia; we are thus following with great interest the Colombian Government’s efforts to advance peace in the country, and wish you every success.

Ambassador Andersen, Cyprus and Denmark share a long-standing bilateral relation, stemming from our common european identity, as well as a long historical connection. Notable milestones include the time when Danish King Erik I perished in Cyprus on his way to the Holy Land in 1103, and, more recently, Denmark’s contribution with more than 22.000 peacekeepers to UNFICYP from 1964 until 1992. As Cypriots we always remember that the decision to welcome my country as a member-state of the European family was taken in Copenhagen in 2002. The seamless trio cooperation during our Presidencies of the Council of the European Union in 2012, and the cooperation between my hometown of Pafos and Aarhus as European Capitals of Culture in 2017 are also indicative of our bilateral partnership. I am well confident that the close, productive and fruitful cooperation we shared during the Trio Presidency in 2012 will be repeated in 2025-2026.

Cyprus and Andorra are connected by a multitude of shared values and democratic principles, as well as by common challenges that require our collective european response. Ambassador Gemma, I look forward to working constructively with you in order to promote our bilateral relations, as well as to open new roads of cooperation in an array of sectors, namely in tourism, sports, education, finance, and technology. The Republic of Cyprus will continue to be a firm supporter of the Andorran Government’s efforts to reach a just and comprehensive association Agreement with the EU.

Your Excellencies,

I am convinced that dialogue, strengthened collaboration, bilateral and multilateral synergies, all constitute essential elements in confronting crises, in addressing challenges, in promoting peace. Multilateralism is still our best tool for addressing big global challenges. Thus, reinforcing multilateralism and investing on solid international partnerships is the path forward in order to secure that our shared values of peace, democracy and the rule of law are upheld.

Allow me to congratulate you once more on your appointment, wish you every success in your mission and express our readiness to work closely with all of you, towards achieving new levels of cooperation and friendship between our respective countries.

I warmly welcome you to Cyprus.

Thank you very much.