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15-11-2023 12:00

Press Release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the anniversary of the illegal unilateral declaration of the secessionist entity in the areas of Cyprus occupied by Turkey

Today marks forty years since the illegal unilateral declaration of the secessionist entity in the Turkish-occupied areas of Cyprus, with the continuation of the violation of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus as well as of the international legal order and the principles upon which the United Nations (UN) Charter is founded.

Despite Turkey's efforts to legitimise its illegal invasion and continued occupation of our country, the international community remains steadfastly committed to the UN Security Council Resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984), which unequivocally condemn this secessionist and legally void unilateral action. The UN Security Council has since called on all states to respect the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of the Republic of Cyprus, and not to recognise the secessionist entity. The only sad exception of flagrant disrespect of the resolutions remains, to this day, Turkey.

On the occasion of today's sombre anniversary, we reiterate that we will never accept the consequences of the occupation, nor will we accept any attempts to legitimise the division of our country. The Republic of Cyprus will continue to do everything possible against any attempts to upgrade the secessionist entity and against actions which run contrary to international law.

At the same time, we remain firmly committed to the reunification of Cyprus and its people in accordance to international law, UN Security Council resolutions, the acquis Communautaire, and the principles and values on which the European Union is founded. For a liberated and reunited country, free from foreign occupation and impositions, that will restore the rights and freedoms of all Cypriots.

We reiterate our readiness for the resumption of negotiations to reach a viable and lasting solution to the Cyprus problem, on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, as provided by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. 

For a comprehensive solution that will fulfil the expectations of all Cypriots, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots alike, for the reunification of our country, and for a peaceful and European future of prosperity for all citizens of Cyprus within the European Union, which is our common destiny.