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21-12-2023 14:44

Statements by the President of the Republic on the sidelines of his visit at 'Michalis Kailis' military camp

“At the beginning of the year, I will announce the negotiating team for the Cyprus problem and I will convene the National Council to inform them, immediately following the announcements to be made by the Secretary-General (SG) of the United Nations (UN),” said the President, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, today.

In statements to the Media on the sidelines of his visit at 'Michalis Kailis' military camp, in view of the Christmas and New Year holidays, and in response to a journalist's observation that the Turkish Cypriot leader reiterated his demand for two states while we await the appointment of the UN SG's envoy, the President of the Republic said: “Personally, I did not expect anything different from Mr Tatar based on the statements he continues to make.

What I have to say to Mr Tatar and Mr Erdogan, with absolute respect for the Turkish Cypriot leader – decisions will be made according to the progress of negotiations – is that there can be no other solution than within the agreed framework. Certainly, from our side, we will not discuss anything else. We await the official announcement from the UN side. We are in contact with the UN Secretariat. It is of crucial importance to reiterate what I have said before; I believe the UN understands, from the discussions we have had, the need for the personal envoy to come and stay in Cyprus for as long as necessary, so that we can work towards the direction of resuming the talks.

From our side, we are ready. At the beginning of the year, I will announce the negotiating team for the Cyprus problem. At the beginning of the year, I will convene the National Council to inform them, immediately after the announcements from the SG's side, and we are fully prepared. We have the political will. We have in mind how we are going to proceed because I am sure that the other side may move in directions so that it leads the entire situation to an impasse in order to promote other options.”

Asked if there is any information regarding the mandate of the UN SG's envoy, the President of the Republic said: 'We have spoken with the UN Secretariat; there are no specific terms. The terms are defined by the UN resolutions, and the SG himself is bound by them, as it is repeatedly conveyed by the UN."

Responding to whether there is a specific time frame, he said that there is no time frame and that “what matters is the political will, and if there is political will, then, we can proceed immediately.”

Regarding the British ship aimed to transport humanitarian aid to Gaza, the President of the Republic said: “We are awaiting final approval from the Israeli side. We are ready. I would like to applaud the approach and cooperation with Britain. We are in contact with Britain, as well as with the EU, and we are waiting on the Israeli side.”

Asked if the EU or any member states are ready to assist with vessels transporting humanitarian aid, the President of the Republic responded: “Of course. Just as the British vessel is currently available, there is readiness from EU members to assist.”

In response to a journalist's observation that Israel seems unwilling to agree to a ceasefire to provide humanitarian aid, the President of the Republic said: “If we can achieve a ceasefire, which of course is desirable, I do not dispute that; we all want that. But the absence of a ceasefire does not mean that humanitarian aid cannot be provided. There are people there who are suffering. Uninterrupted humanitarian aid must be provided. And, I repeat, I hope there will be a response as soon as possible.”

Asked if a decision has been made on where the ship will dock, the President said: “It is one of the topics being discussed with the Israeli Government together with Britain, the US, and the EU, and when there is a decision, we will announce it.”

Responding to another question, the President of the Republic said that he believes that the British Foreign Secretary will visit the region.

Asked if there is up-to-date information about the situation in the buffer zone, President Christodoulides said: “There is a systematic effort [by the Turkish side] to challenge the status of the buffer zone, and it was one of the topics raised yesterday in the meeting in the presence of the National Guard Chief. We evaluated the measures we have already taken, and monitoring of the situation, as it unfolds, is daily, and our moves are adjusted accordingly.”