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28-09-2018 20:39

Address by the President of the Republic at the reception to honour the founding of the People’s Republic of China

It is both an honour and a pleasure to be here with you today on the occasion of the 69th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China.

China has a long and glorious history linked with ancient dynasties, as well as the names of great leaders of modern time of the People’s Republic of China.

As President Xi Jinping very eloquently points out in his book “The Governance of China II: China remembers the past, cherishes peace and builds a new future”. This mantra very much encapsulates China’s path.

China has offered to the rest of the world its sophisticated civilisation, rich in the arts and sciences with painting and printing techniques and delicate pottery and sculpture. Chinese philosophy, language and architectural traditional style are admired and respected all over the world.

In recent years, China has embarked on an extraordinary journey to economic sustainable growth and prosperity.

The achievements of the Chinese people are not only limited to economic marvels; they include amazing achievements of engineering, science, technology, medicine, education and culture.

China is a key political and financial global actor; a trustworthy friend; a true and reliable partner, with whom Cyprus enjoys historically long-standing excellent bilateral relations.

Our strong bonds are anchored on our shared values and close cooperation in a number of international and regional issues. The constant evolution and deepening of our bilateral relations are evidenced by a growing cooperation in commercial exchanges, technology, justice, culture, tourism, and an ever-increasing number of people to people contacts.  

Cyprus is deeply appreciative for China’s principled position on the Cyprus problem, and its support in our determined efforts to end the ongoing illegal Turkish occupation of territory of the Republic of Cyprus and reunify our country and its people, on the basis of relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and international law.

At the same time, let me reiterate that Cyprus remains firmly committed to an One China policy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This year is the 5th anniversary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a process of promoting the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, aiming at linking Asia with Europe and to achieve stronger cooperation. This initiative opens up great opportunities for new areas of cooperation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In concluding, let us raise our glasses to the prosperity and well-being of the Chinese people, and extend our warmest congratulations for the 69th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Thank you.


Note: The address was delivered, on behalf of the President of the Republic, by the Minister of Health, Mr Constantinos Ioannou.