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11-09-2024 16:19

Announcement by the Shipping Deputy Minister of the names elected as Members of the Advisory Committee on Competitiveness and Quality Enhancement of the Cyprus Flag and as Members of the Advisory Committee on Competitiveness of the Cyprus Maritime Cluster

The Shipping Deputy Minister to the President, Ms Marina Hadjimanolis, hereby announces the names of the persons elected, as members of the Advisory Committee on Competitiveness and Quality Enhancement of the Cyprus Flag as well as the names of the persons elected, as members of the Advisory Committee on Competitiveness of the Cyprus Maritime Cluster.

Ms Hadjimanolis extends her sincere gratitude to all those who have taken the time and effort to participate in the recent elections for the Advisory Committees, either as nominees and/or to exercise their right to vote. The vast number of participants in the recent elections demonstrates the significance of these Committees to the shipping community of Cyprus.

The Shipping Deputy Minister takes this opportunity to congratulate those who have been elected to serve on these esteemed committees. As she stated “It is truly an honour to have such distinguished individuals advising the Shipping Deputy Minister. Your wealth of knowledge and experience will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and excellence of the Cyprus maritime sector”.

With respect to the Advisory Committee on Competitiveness and Quality Enhancement of the Cyprus Flag, the following have been elected as Members and satisfy the conditions for election as set out in the Rules of the said Committee.

The names of the Elected Members are listed in alphabetical order of their surnames:

1.         Coustas John

2.         Hadjiyiannis Andreas

3.         Hajioannou Polys

4.         Martinos Thanassis

5.         Mouskas George

6.         Mylona Nicole

7.         Procopiou George

8.         Schoeller Heinrich

The two runners-up of this Committee are Mr Themis Papadopoulos and Mr Philippos Philis.

With respect to the Advisory Committee on Competitiveness of the Cyprus Maritime Cluster, the following have been elected as Members and satisfy the conditions for election, as set out in the Rules of the said Committee.

The names of the Elected Members are listed in alphabetical order of their surnames:

1.         Anastasiou Julia

2.         Barmparis Loukas

3.         Hadjiparaskevas John

4.         Hadjipetrou Andreas

5.         Jha Kumar Prabhat

6.         Neophytou Andreas

7.         Papavassiliou Chrysostomos

8.         Rohdenburg Dieter

The two runners-up of this Committee are Mr Andreas Solomonides and Mr Michael Bradshaw.

The Shipping Deputy Minister looks forward to a fruitful and constructive cooperation.
