17-03-2025 19:33
Employment in the Broad Public Sector: 4th Quarter 2024
Total Employment 76.837
Total employment in the Broad Public Sector in the 4th quarter of 2024 reached 76.837 persons. The employment in General Government was 71.871 and in the Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies 4.966 persons. In General Government, which consists of the Government, Non-Profit Organisations and Local Authorities, total employment reached 55.125, 11.106 and 5.640 persons respectively.
The employment in the Broad Public Sector increased by 1.476 persons (2,0%) compared to the same quarter of 2023. The employment in Central Government increased by 1.208 persons (1,9%) and in Local Authorities by 1.111 persons (24,5%), whereas in Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies it decreased by 843 persons (-14,5%). The increase in Local Authorities employment and the respective decrease in Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies employment is attributed to the establishment of the District Local Government Organisations (DLGO) as from the 1st of July 2024 and the transfer of Sewerage Boards and Water Boards under their jurisdiction.
Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2024, the employment in the Broad Public Sector increased by 3.700 persons (5,1%). Employment increased in Central Government by 3.566 persons (5,7%) and in Local Authorities by 152 persons (2,8%), whereas in Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies, it remained stable in comparison to the 3rd quarter 2024. The increase in Central Government employment is mainly attributed to the increase of employees with contracts of definite duration in the Educational Service (Government).
Table |
Number of Persons |
% Change |
Q4 2023 |
Q3 2024 |
Q4 2024 |
Q4 2024/ Q3 2024 |
Q4 2024/2023 |
General Government |
69.552 |
68.153 |
71.871 |
5,5 |
3,3 |
Central Government |
65.023 |
62.665 |
66.231 |
5,7 |
1,9 |
Government |
54.168 |
52.690 |
55.125 |
4,6 |
1,8 |
Non-profit Organisations |
10.855 |
9.975 |
11.106 |
11,3 |
2,3 |
Local Authorities |
4.529 |
5.488 |
5.640 |
2,8 |
24,5 |
District Local Government Organisations |
n.a. |
849 |
882 |
3,9 |
n.a. |
Municipalities |
3.409 |
3.579 |
3.698 |
3,3 |
8,5 |
Other Local Authorities |
1.120 |
1.060 |
1.060 |
0,0 |
-5,4 |
Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies |
5.809 |
4.984 |
4.966 |
-0,4 |
-14,5 |
Broad Public Sector |
75.361 |
73.137 |
76.837 |
5,1 |
2,0 |
n.a.: Not applicable |
Methodological Information
The employment in the Broad Public Sector includes employment in General Government Sector and in Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies.
General Government Sector includes Central Government and Local Authorities.
Central Government includes Government and Non-Profit Organisations. Government includes Civil Service, Educational Service, Police Service, Fire Service, Hourly Paid Workers and Military Personnel. Non-Profit Organisations include School Committees, University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, Open University, Cyprus Sports Organisation, Cyprus Theatrical Organisation, Youth Board of Cyprus, Investment Promotion Foundation, Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation, Cyprus National Addictions Authority, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, Cyprus News Agency, Cyprus Agricultural Payment Organisation, Cyprus Petroleum Company, Central Agency of Equal Distribution of Burden, Research and Innovation Foundation, Fauna Fund, Human Resource Development Authority, Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation, Cyprus Radiotelevision Authority, Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority, Pancyprian Refugees Union, Cyprus Standard Organisation, Cyprus Asset Management Company Limited, State Health Services Organisation and National Betting Authority.
As from January 2023, Hourly Paid Workers from the Ministry of Health (Government) have been included to the State Health Services Organisation (Non-Profit Organisations).
Local Authorities include District Local Government Organisations, Municipalities and other Local Authorities.
Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies include: Cyprus Telecommunication Authority, Electricity Authority of Cyprus, Cyprus Ports Authority, Sewerage Boards, Water Boards, Forest Industries, Cyprus Stock Exchange, Home Finance Organisation, Cyprus Potato Marketing Board, Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, Cyprus Land Development Corporation, Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber, Precious Metals Engraving Organisation, Council for the Registration and Control of Building Contractors, Board for the Registration of the Real Estate Agencies, Council of Commercial Agents, Cyprus Certification Company and Health Insurance Organisation.
Clarifications on the Classification of Entities
1. From the first quarter of 2015 onwards, Fauna Fund, Human Resource Development Authority, Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation, Cyprus Radiotelevision Authority, Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority, and Pancyprian Refugees Union have been moved from “Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies” to “Non-Profit Organisations” due to revision in the classification of the organisations. Cyprus Certification Company has moved to “Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies”.
2. From the first quarter of 2015, the Cyprus Institute of Energy has been moved from “Non-Profit Organisations” to Government (Energy Service).
3. From the fourth quarter of 2018, Cyprus Asset Management Company Limited was included in the “Non-Profit organisations”.
4. From the first quarter of 2019, the State Health Services Organisation was included in the “Non-Profit Organisations”.
5. From the first quarter of 2019, the Cyprus Tourism Organisation has been moved from “Non-Profit Organisations” to Government (Deputy Ministry of Tourism).
6. From the first quarter of 2020, the Cyprus Cultural Foundation has been moved from “Non-Profit Organisations” to Government.
7. From the third quarter of 2019, the Agricultural Insurance Organisation has been moved from “Non-Profit Organizations” to Government.
8. From the third quarter of 2020, the Grain Commission has been moved from “Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies” to Government.
9. From the first quarter of 2022, the National Betting Authority was included in the “Non-Profit Organisations”.
10. From the third quarter of 2024, the newly established District Local Government Organisations (DLGOs) have been added in “Local Authorities”. Activities of Sewerage Boards and Water Boards were transferred under the jurisdiction of the DLGOs and therefore they were removed from “Publicly Owned Enterprises and Companies”.
Collection of Data
Data concerning employment in Government is provided by the Treasury of the Republic and refers to the number of persons that were employed in the reference quarter, while for the remaining sectors data is collected from the organisations on a quarterly basis via a telephone survey.
For more information, visit CYSTAT Portal, subtheme Labour Market, CYSTAT-DB (Online Database), Predefined Tables (Excel), Methodological Information or contact Ms Maria Kkoushi at 22602235 or via email: mkkoushi@cystat.mof.gov.cy.
The data included in the Predefined Tables in Excel format are available up to 4th Quarter 2021. Data from the 1st Quarter 2022 onwards are available only in the CYSTAT-DB Online Database.
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