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02-06-2019 09:26

Address by the President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades at the 14th Cyprus-Russian Festival

It is a great pleasure to yet again address the official opening ceremony of the Cyprus – Russian Festival. The fact that the Festival takes place for the 14th consecutive year, attracting more than 12.000 people, manifests that it has been firmly established not only as an important event in Cyprus’ cultural and social calendar, but also as a celebration of the long-standing historic and solid relations of our countries at all levels and in all fields.

To this end, allow me to extend my sincere appreciation to the organisers of the Festival: the Russian newspaper Vestnik Kipra, and especially Natalia Kardash, the Limassol Municipality and the Russian Embassy, as well as the sponsors of the Festival for their valuable contribution in support of the event. 

During the two-day Festival there will be three concert stages working simultaneously and hosting more than 1500 artists – either professionals or amateurs – while more than twenty community events will take place, for example: exhibitions, shows, competitions, parades, presentations, traditional dances and songs.

What is truly commendable is the fact that there is no entrance fee to the Festival, demonstrating that it remains true to its founding purpose: To celebrate the rich culture and traditions of our peoples and reaffirm our solid bonds of friendship.

In this respect, and as small token of appreciation to the organizers of the Festival and the deeply-valued added value it offers, the Government has taken the decision to annually sponsor the event with the amount of €20.000.

Our countries and peoples enjoy deep and long-standing historical, political, cultural and religious links, as well as friendly people-to-people contacts, which have proved resilient both through time and a number of different challenges we have faced.

And I am pleased to assess that our joint aim, as reaffirmed during my meeting just a month ago with President Putin, in Beijing, remains none other than to explore new areas of beneficial cooperation, as well as enhance our existing collaborations.

And taking this opportunity, I wish to express the sincere appreciation both mine and of the Government and the people of Cyprus to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Mr. Stanislav Osadchiy, for our close cooperation and his dedication to further expand the already excellent relations and ties between our countries.

At the same time, it would be an omission if I did not convey our utmost respect to the vibrant and friendly Russian Community in Cyprus. A community which is primarily located in Limassol and through the establishment of churches, schools, newspapers and radio stations strengthens the inter-personal links between our peoples, representing the natural affinity shared between Cypriots and Russians.

We immensely value this aspect of our relationship, as well as the confidence, trust and faith which the Russian people have been displaying to Cyprus and its financial and economic system through their business and entrepreneurial activities.

At the same time, I also feel obliged to convey the gratitude of the Government and the people of Cyprus for Russia’s traditional principled stance as regards the efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement on the basis of the principles founded on the respect for international law, the UN Charter, the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the EU values and principles.

All the above are a testament to the fact that the principles of mutual respect and solidarity will continue to characterize the relations between our two countries and also proves that Cyprus and Russia will continue enjoying a beneficial partnership, a partnership which has a prosperous future.

The vast attendance of all of you dear friends here tonight is yet again a reaffirmation of these distinguishing and enduring ties and the best confirmation of the unique quality of everything that unites us.

In concluding and by once again extending my sincere congratulations and appreciation to the co-organisers of the Festival, I warmly welcome all the participants and guests.

I have no doubt that, just like the previous years, you will fully enjoy the concerts, performances and the various events these couple of days.