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06-06-2019 21:36

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, on the occasion of the 243rd Anniversary of Independence of the United States of America

It is an honour to join you on the occasion of the 243rd Anniversary of Independence of the United States of America and I would like to warmly thank Ambassador Garber for her kind invitation.

In 1776, Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, a historic document whose ideals of freedom, equality, liberty, justice and prosperity inspired so many peoples around the world in pursuit of independence and freedom.

And as we celebrate the founding of a great nation which chose its independence by ending colonialism, we remind ourselves not only of the similarities of Cyprus with the path chosen by the American people, but above all of the Declaration’s most famous sentence, which states the following:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

During these past few years the relationship between Cyprus and the US has significantly strengthened, both at the bilateral and multilateral level, particularly through our joint commitment and close co-operation, amongst others, in the fight against terrorism, human trafficking, illegal drugs trafficking and the proliferation of weapons.

In this respect, we consider last years’ signing of a Statement of Intent on Security issues as a clear sign of the mutual aim to strengthen our bilateral relations by outlining specific steps of enhancing co-operation at all levels and in addressing common challenges and problems, particularly in our immediate region.

Concurrently, the involvement of American energy companies, namely ExxonMobil and Noble, in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus does not only mark a new chapter in our bilateral relations, but it is also a tangible sign of trust to the reliable role we have assumed in our volatile neighbourhood.

To this end, the participation of the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in the recent Trilateral Summit of Cyprus, Greece and Israel in March, during which it was agreed to increase regional cooperation, support energy independence and security, strongly reflects our enhanced partnership, particularly in the fields of energy and regional security.

And I wish to underline the importance we attach as a Government to our partnership with the United States and our aim remains none other than to maintain the current momentum and to continue working on a positive agenda so as to further reinforce this mutually beneficial relationship.

In this regard, and considering the strategic depth of our partnership, I strongly believe that, based on the principles of reciprocity and solidarity, there is room for further advancing it in specific fields, such as:

  • Updating the 1984 Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation.
  • Cyprus joining the Visa Waiver Programme.
  • Revoking the embargo on the sale of military and defence related equipment to Cyprus.

Such developments will undoubtedly have positive effects in further advancing the business and investment collaborations between Cyprus and the US, will facilitate people-to-people contacts and will further enhance our important security and defence relationship.

Unfortunately, Turkey’s insistence to ignore the international law and UNCLOS constitutes a threat to peace and stability to the region and is against the principles of good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation.  

It is not of course my intention to refer further to the tensions within our Exclusive Economic Zone, but it is a situation that, regrettably, deters our efforts to resume negotiations on the Cyprus Problem, particularly in a period when the UN Secretary General is trying to provide renewed impetus to the process, following the appointment of his Special Envoy, Mrs. Jane Holl Lute.

At the same time, it should be stressed that such actions also negatively affect our joint vision of establishing, together with neighbouring countries, a strategic Energy Corridor from the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express our deep appreciation to the US Government for the firm stance on this crucial matter through opposing to Turkey’s illegal drilling plans and fully supporting the unhindered exercise by the Republic of its sovereign rights to explore and exploit its natural resources.

The Founding Fathers of the United States shared a common belief to change and challenge the status quo and to create a better future for their citizens, serving as beacons of freedom, democracy and hope.

This is our top priority in Cyprus. To end the unacceptable status quo on the island and create a better future for all Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, ensuring their peaceful co-existence and prosperous collaboration.

We must all realise that the continuation of the current status quo is not sustainable and has negative consequences to both sides.  

I do hope that our Turkish Cypriot compatriots and Turkey will adopt a more realistic and constructive approach, and respond positively to both ours and the UN Secretary-General’s efforts to reach ways to move forward the negotiating process.

In this respect, I had the opportunity several times to brief and discuss with Ambassador Garber the latest developments on the Cyprus issue, sharing ideas on the way forward.

And taking this opportunity, I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the principled stance of the US Government on the Cyprus Problem and the unwavering support in reaching a lasting and comprehensive settlement.

On my behalf, I would like to yet again reiterate in the strongest terms my commitment to immediate engage in a new dialogue, provided Turkey terminates its acts which violate the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus, so as to allow negotiations to resume on the basis of good will, with the aim of a reaching a viable and functional settlement.

A settlement which, as the Founding Fathers fought for and achieved, will safeguard the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, ensuring that Cyprus will be a normal state without any third country military troops or guarantees.

At the same time, taking also into account recent actions in the buffer zone, it is also vital that UNFICYP’s mandate remains unaltered as it contributes to establishing an environment conducive to settlement talks through its efforts in keeping by tensions at a minimum, despite numerous challenges it faces.

Ambassador Garber, dear Matthew Palmer, as I have already stated, our aim is to further advance the already excellent relationship between our two countries to the best interest of our peoples, including enhancing our constructive dialogue and synergies we have established in order to materialise our joint aim of achieving peace, security and stability in Cyprus and our immediate region.

In closing, I wish to thank once again Ambassador Garber and Paul for being our hosts tonight and please join me in raising our glasses to the friendship and prosperity of our two countries and peoples.
