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02-07-2019 10:57

The Acting President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of Mongolia

The Acting President of the Republic, President of the House of Representatives, Mr Demetris Syllouris, received the credentials of the Ambassador of Mongolia, Mr Dashjamts Batsaikhan, stationed in Sofia, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday, July 2, 2019.    

Presenting his credentials, Ambassador Batsaikhan, speaking in English, said: 

“Your Excellency Mr President, I have the honour to present to You the Letters of Credence by which the President of Mongolia has accredited me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the Republic of Cyprus as well as my predecessor’s Letter of Recall.

As an Ambassador I would like to thank Your Excellency for receiving me today with warm hospitality and accepting the Letter of Credence. It is a great honor for me to represent my country.

First of all,

Let me to convey to Your Excellency sincere greetings and best wishes of the President of Mongolia, His Excellency Mr Khaltmaa Battulga.

I am glad to notify to Your Excellency Mr President that as an Ambassador I will give high priority and promote the existing friendly relations and bilateral cooperation between our two countries.

Mongolia has satisfied for development and deepening of the friendly relation and cooperation between our two countries during the 46 years of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Mongolia and Cyprus.

The bilateral relations between our two countries have been actively developing in recent years. The Mongolian side attaches a particular importance to the mutual exchange of visits and keen to develop bilateral relations with Cyprus and increase the activeness on bilateral talks and agreement on every level.

Express belief that there’s a full potential between our two countries to cooperate in the educational and science sector.

I am looking forward to further develop and strengthen the trade and investment cooperation in all possible ways. Note the importance of enhancing economic cooperation between Mongolia and Cyprus and agriculture, food production and tourism sectors are important areas of cooperation. It is in our interest to expand ties between business entities by organizing various business forums and establishing connection between our two Chamber of Commerce. 

Besides Mongolian traditional agricultural sector development, Mongolia is successfully developing the mining sector. This mining development begun to play leading role in the development of the economy and opened broad and new leap of opportunity for the development of Mongolia in recent years.

Our two countries have been successfully cooperating in the international fora. Both sides have been supporting each other within the framework of multilateral cooperation. I am truly confident that we will continue our successful cooperation within the UN and other international organizations. As our two countries are small countries, it is important to support each other.

Your Excellency Mr President using this opportunity, I would like to thank you once again and wish you all the best”.

Receiving the credentials, the Acting President said:


Ladies and Gentlemen,

From the outset, I wish to express the President’s sincere apologies, who, due to the minor incident he had this past Saturday, is unable to receive your letters of credence.

It gives me a great pleasure to warmly welcome you all at the Presidential Palace today as the new Heads of Mission of your respective countries to the Republic of Cyprus. I would like to congratulate you on your appointments and to assure you of our full support in the execution of your high duties.

I also wish to pay tribute to your predecessors for their efforts in steadily enhancing our dialogue and cooperation, always serving the shared interests of our people.

The Government looks forward to working closely with you to further promote the different dimensions of our bilateral relations. I also want to affirm the President’s desire to expand the scope of our cooperation and to intensify synergies in various fields of common interest.   

It is our sincere wish that today’s Ceremony of Presentation of Credentials will mark the beginning of a new era in our bilateral relations, further enriching existing ties and forging new opportunities of mutual beneficial partnership.

The global challenges we are currently facing, from the rise of extremism to climate change and migration, require the ever-closer collaboration between our countries and Governments. 


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I want to take this opportunity and shortly brief you on the economic outlook of the Republic of Cyprus. Following the severe economic crisis of 2013, our country has achieved a return to positive growth rates since 2015.

We have acknowledged our mistakes of the past and worked very hard to address some of the structural challenges in our economy. As a result, we currently enjoy a growth rate of around 3.5%, while macroeconomic forecasts project a robust growth of more than 3% in the years to come.

Moreover, we have achieved consecutive balanced budgets with primary surplus, while unemployment, which in 2013 had risen to 16%, has now dropped to almost 7% and is expected to be further reduced.

The banking system, re-focusing its operations and fully adhering to the strictest international transparency and compliance regulations, is now based on a stronger and healthier base in terms of capitalization, liquidity and profitability.

The positive course of the Cyprus economy restored the confidence and trust of investors and of International Credit Rating Agencies, which is reflected by a number of successive upgrades, currently classifying Cyprus at the investment grade.

Our plan is to remain focused on maintaining and broadening the conditions under which surpluses and high growth rates can be generated, to continue promoting structural reforms and improving the country’s business environment.


Our ceremony today takes place during a very challenging time for the Republic of Cyprus. It was not my intention, but unfortunately I am forced to bring to your attention the recent alarming developments in our Exclusive Economic Zone related to Turkey’s continued aggressive behaviour and illegal actions that are indeed a cause of serious concern.

As you understand, these hostile actions by Turkey, apart from creating a volatile atmosphere in the wider region, have also extremely negative consequences on the prospect of resuming talks on the Cyprus problem.

Yet, despite Turkey’s continuous threatening rhetoric, the President remains - as always - strongly committed in engaging in a new round of negotiations with the aim to reach a lasting and comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus issue, in line with the relevant UN Resolutions, and International and EU Law.

A settlement that will safeguard the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, ensuring the peaceful co-existence of all Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, without any third country dependencies, military troops and guarantees.

We do hope that Turkey will finally adopt a more realistic and constructive approach and will refrain from such actions the soonest. At the same time, we hope that our Turkish Cypriot compatriots will fully abide to the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions which call for the return and resettlement of Varosha by its rightful and lawful owners and inhabitants.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express the sincere appreciation of the people and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus for your countries’ principled stance on the Cyprus issue and the long-standing support in our efforts to end the current status quo on the island.


This year we celebrate 46 years of bilateral relations with Mongolia. Despite the lack of geographical proximity, we stand ready to expand our cooperation in a number of areas of mutual interest. This will not only strengthen our bonds, but it will also provide us with the opportunity to learn from best practices in our respective countries.

Cyprus and Nepal share a cordial friendship based on common values and principles of peace, security and development that are enshrined in international law and the United Nations Charter. Nepal’s significant contribution to UN peace keeping operations demonstrates the country’s commitment to peace and prosperity.

With New Zealand we share a long-standing friendship. We look forward to working towards the deepening of our relations in fields such as finance, trade, maritime, education, infrastructure and technology, as well as expanding our cooperation in various areas, social security and tourism to name a few. In this endeavour, we rely also on the support of the active and expanding Cypriot community that has made New Zealand its home.

With respect to Malaysia, we remain committed on further broadening our bilateral relations and finalizing the Agreements and Memoranda for which discussions are underway. We are also keen in enhancing the development of our cooperation within international organisations and fora, for the mutual benefit of our countries and respective regions.

As regards Ethiopia, our relations are based on a solid framework of mutual respect and understanding. The Government is ready to join efforts in exploring new fields of potential partnership. Within the EU, Cyprus remains committed to the further enhancement of the political dialogue and cooperation between the Union and Ethiopia.

South Africa and Cyprus have traditionally close ties, in particular within the Commonwealth. We look forward to the further strengthening of our close bilateral relations and our cooperation in international fora. Cyprus will continue supporting the deepening of South Africa’s relations with the European Union.

Last but not least, with Jamaica we share the common political will to advance our cooperation. Cyprus stands ready to intensify these coordinated efforts to facilitate the further development of the EU-Jamaica relations. 


In concluding, I would like to convey the President’s best wishes for every success in the accomplishment of your important work. Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations for your appointments and the beginning of your diplomatic missions in Cyprus.

Thank you”.