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03-10-2019 20:05

Greeting of the MTCW, Mrs Vassiliki Anastassiadou, on the occasion of the German Unity Day

It is a great honor and privilege for me to join you to celebrate German Unity Day. Today, the people of Germany celebrate the signing of the “Two Plus Four Treaty” in October 3, 1990 and the official reunification of the Federal Republic of Germany. This was the culmination of a series of dramatic events that began in 1989 - the year that marked the fall of the Berlin Wall - the symbolic end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Iron Curtain that divided Europe for more than four decades.

Cyprus and its people look to Germany as a friend and as a valuable European partner, to which they are bound by traditionally close political, economic and cultural relations and by an ardent faith in the great ideals of democracy, human rights and the prevalence of rule of law.

Our bilateral relations have been fast evolving in recent years, undoubtedly providing a solid foundation on which we can build so as to further deepen our close cooperation at multiple levels such as economy and investments, tourism, trade, technology and education. In this respect, Cyprus fully appreciates the efforts undertaken by Germany, amongst others, through the work of the Goethe Institute, which strengthens the dialogue and cooperation in a practical way between our two peoples and thus establishing the successful social link between Cypriots and Germans which continues to thrive.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me assure you of the unwavering dedication and strong commitment of President Anastasiades to efforts aiming at the resumption of negotiations at the earliest — from the point where they were suspended exactly two years ago in Crans-Montana — with the aim of reaching a settlement on the basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, in line with International and EU Law, that will reunite Cyprus, whilst ensuring that it remains a functional and effective EU Member State.

In order for negotiations to resume, however, Turkey must first cease all illegal and provocative activities within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus, which are in flagrant breach of International and European Law and the sovereign rights of the Republic. Unfortunately, the signs are not positive in this respect, as Turkey has systematically chosen instead to escalate its provocations further. We sincerely hope that Ankara will sooner rather than later realize that it is also in her own interests to start acting in accordance with International Law.

The achievement of a viable and functional solution, without the presence of foreign troops and guarantees will be a success story for all of us. It will be the principal key ingredient for a healthy and promising future for our children in a modern European country. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German people understand this concept more than anyone else.

Dear friends,

Today’s occasion represents the symbolic quench for Freedom and Unity and has become a most significant example of the will for the people around the globe. We hope for a similar day in Cyprus, in which history will shift for the better once again. Our vision is to re-establish the whole of Cyprus, as a place of peace, prosperity, stability and security that will offer protection and equal prospects of prosperity to all its legitimate inhabitants making it a reliable partner for Europe in the Eastern Mediterranean.

I raise my glass in congratulating you for this joyful and historic moment of Germany and the German people.

( DC)