As of 1 July 2019 the system of translation of documents which was provided by the Press and Information Office has been terminated, according to Law 45 (Ι)/2019, providing for the registration and regulation of the services of the Sworn Translators in Cyprus. Therefore, all individuals or public bodies interested in officially certified translations, must refer directly to the certified translators who are registered in the Register of Sworn Translators of the Council of Sworn Translators according to the relevant Law. In the Register of Sworn Translators there are the names, contact details (telephone number and e-mail) as well as the work address of the Sworn Translators. Sworn Translators operate in Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos and the Famagusta government controlled area.
According to the above Law, ‘certified translation’ is the written version of a written text or document from a foreign language into Greek or into Turkish and vice versa, bearing the official seal of the Republic, which is duly marked. Certified translations are not carried out from English to French, but first from English to Greek and then from Greek to French.
Therefore, as regards certificates issued by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, such as marriage certificates, for which a certified translation into a foreign language (e.g. Italian) needs to be carried out, it is useful that interested parties ask the issuing authority to issue the documents in Greek for direct translation into the foreign language.
Sworn translators translate documents intended for official use inside or outside the Republic, such as educational documents, marriage certificates, birth certificates, death certificates, criminal records certificates, passports, identity cards, bank accounts, deeds of ownership, company documents, medical reports, legal documents.
Languages offered for translation into Greek and vice versa: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, English, French, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Japanese, Danish, Slovenian, Latvian, Czech.
Kindly note that the Apostille validation procedure is the following:
I. The certificate should be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture in order to validate the signature of the principal (for Nicosia contact MOEC- Department of Secondary General Education, for other districts contact the Secondary Education District Offices)
II. Then submit it to the Ministry of Justice and Public Order (Nicosia) or to a Citizen Service Centre (in your city of residence) for Apostille
Please note that services of Sworn Translators should be procured in the following cases:
Kindly note that the Apostille validation procedure is the following:
I. The certificate should be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture in order to validate the signature of the principal (for Nicosia contact MOEC- Department of Secondary General Education, for other districts contact the Secondary Education District Offices)
II. Then submit it to the Ministry of Justice and Public Order (Nicosia) or to a Citizen Service Centre (in your city of residence) for Apostille
III. Submit it for translation
For further information you may call the Press and Information Office at the following numbers: 22801124, 22801105, or send an email to