27-03-2023 12:47
Welcoming Speech by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Mr Andreas Louka to the ESDC Course “Diplomatic Skills for CSDP”
It is a great pleasure and honour welcoming you all to the course on Diplomatic Skills for Common Security and Defence Policy, organized by the Cyprus Security and Defence Academy and the West University of Timisoara, under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), with the support of the Eastern Partnership Initiative of the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Embassy in Cyprus.
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus is actively promoting the creation of a common European security and defence culture. In this context, over the past two years our Security and Defence Academy has organized 12 international training activities and conferences, with the support of local and international institutions, which have all been open to EU member states, as well as to other strategic partners from our neighbourhood.
Throughout these initiatives, subjects of high interest and value were highlighted, which include Cyber Security, Climate Change and Security, Project Management in Missions and Operations, the Future of the EU Security and Defence, Leadership and Gender mainstreaming in Military training and in CSDP Missions and Operations. Thus, the opportunity was given to officials from EU Member States and partner countries, EU institutions and agencies and to relevant academic and industrial partners, to obtain a better understanding of the Common Security and Defence Policy, the EU priorities, common values, strategies, structures and procedures.
We are also promoting the idea and encouraging our Academy to co-organize events and training initiatives, with other national and foreign actors, with which we share a common vision for a better and more secure world, based on common values and aspirations.
From our experience, this cooperation has only had a positive impact and added value for all the involved parties. This is our very first initiative with Romania in this field and we are confident that we will find the way to commence our future cooperation.
The aim of this course is to support EU Member States, institutions and agencies, as concerns the training of their personnel, to be able to work efficiently in CSDP related fields at the operational and strategic levels. The course will commence with a general introduction, aiming to familiarise the participants with the basic principles of diplomacy, in the international strategic and diplomatic context. Moreover, they will undertake a critical assessment of the links between diplomacy, the Common Security and Defence Policy and the Common Foreign and Security Policy.
The course will also elaborate on new and old practices in diplomacy, globalisation trends, the relevance of public diplomacy in the context of CSDP missions, as well as on introducing concepts and practices related to digital diplomacy.
At this point, I would like to thank the West University of Timisoara, the European Security and Defence College, the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Romanian Embassy in Cyprus, the 12 distinguished speakers and their institutions, as well as the organizing staff for their support and for the expertise they have brought to this important event.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the 47 participants from 11 States and the United Nations and their institutions for their interest to join efforts with us.
I would like to wish you a constructive course and a pleasant stay in Cyprus.
Thank you very much!
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