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18-11-2023 13:44

Statements by the President of the Republic

A team of experts is expected to arrive in Cyprus in order to assist the Cypriot authorities in their investigations regarding the issues that have recently been brought to light, the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, said today.

In his statements to the press, in the sidelines of the Mediterranean Symposium which was held at the Conference Centre, on the role of women in the Economy, the President of the Republic was asked to comment on his address at the Symposium, during which he said that the participation of women in the Government will reach 50% in 2024 and was asked whether in this way he is announcing a government reshuffle. President Christodoulides said: “We are proud of the fact that 44% of the appointments made upon my assumption of duties were women.

Let me remind you that during my pre-election campaign I had made reference to a 50-50 percentage. This goal will be reached, the President added.

The percentage in Cyprus is one of the highest worldwide, not only in Europe, and this is something we will enhance. In my address, I stated that this percentage will increase in 2024.”

Asked to comment on press reports published in the British Press which state that weapons are being transferred to Israel through the British Sovereign Base Area in Cyprus, the President of the Republic said: “There is no such information, our country cannot be used as a base for war operations.

Through its actions, our country shows also the humanitarian nature of our approach. This effort that we are making for the humanitarian corridor, as well as the great effort to evacuate population from the area, has been utilised by both the British and the Americans, with whom we have a very good cooperation.”

Asked whether there is any news regarding the creation of the sea corridor for providing hymanitarian aid to Gaza, President Christodoulides stated: “We are moving forward, all procedures are progressing, especially at national level. I will have a series of contacts in the next few days. I will be visiting countries in the region, we are in contact with both the United Nations and the European Union and we hope that soon this plan, which is the only one discussed at the moment by the international community, will become a reality”.

Regarding the press reports on Cyprus, which were recently brought to light, the President of the Republic said: “I had a meeting at political level as soon as they were published. I have requested for a team of experts from a third country with experience on such matters to come to Cyprus and last night we had a positive response. So a team of experts is coming to Cyprus to assist the Cypriot Authorities, and all those who are already investigating, precisely in the framework of zero tolerance to such phenomena. Everything that has been brought to light will be investigated and the reputation and credibility of our country is of determining significance in our aim to attract investments, to have a strong and resilient economy, which will enable us to also have a social policy, the policy we desire in the sectors of education and health, which are our top priority. We must safeguard the name, the credibility and the reputation of our country. I am glad that there has been a positive response to my request and a team of experts is coming to Cyprus to assist the Cypriot authorities”.

Asked about the issue of serious interventions in the Akamas area and what the government intends to do about it, the President of the Republic said: “Ι have already called the Minister of Agriculture and the Permanent Secretary for the Directory General of Environment to halt all actions –I was personally annoyed upon seeing the photos– in order to check that everything that is taking place is compatible with what has been agreed. It is for this reason that I had the meeting yesterday and the instructions were clear”.