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09-01-2024 10:09

Address by the Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Maria Panayiotou, at an event organised by the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, in Lefkosia

It is my great pleasure and honour to address today’s TOLERATE research programme kick-off meeting, organised by the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING). Professor Phylactou, thank you for the opportunity to be here.

I extend my warmest greetings to the consortium representatives of the TOLERATE research programme as well as to all the participants. TOLERATE’s ambitious endeavour, funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON – EUROPE programme, marks a significant leap forward in our collective pursuit of sustainable solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.

I wish to extend my congratulations to the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Geneticson organising this event and on coordinating the TOLERATE programme.

As clearly stated in the programmme of governance of the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, the protection of the environment and adapting to climate change is a top priority for the Republic of Cyprus. To this end, we strengthen the communication with the academic and research community, so that policies and decisions on critical environmental issues take into account available scientific knowledge. Within this context, the Office of the Commissioner for the Environment encourages programmes, such as TOLERATE, that aspire to achieve responsible and sustainable innovation.

TOLERATE, with a consortium of 14 partners spanning 10 countries, embodies the collaborative spirit necessary for transformative research and exemplifies the strength that emerges when academia and industry join forces. The exploration of the ancient DNA metagenomes within the frozen Arctic soil samples promises to unlock the secrets of the rhizosphere's resilience over millennia, providing us with invaluable insights into nature's adaptive strategies.

I wish to stress that the project's objectives align with our environmental aspirations. Understanding how the rhizosphere coped with extreme climate changes in the past not only informs our scientific curiosity, but also holds the key to developing innovative solutions for the future. The prospect of engineered root-colonizing bacteria, capable of enhancing plant climate tolerance, and the application of biotechnological advancements in industrial products are promises of tangible progress.

This initiative, under CING’s coordination, is not merely an academic pursuit. The potential benefits – from improved agricultural practices to innovative biomedical products – are commendable steps towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

In these times of urgency, our commitment to combat climate change is more important than ever. We are already facing the serious effects of climate change both globally and here in Cyprus. The Office of the Commissioner for the Environment is firmly committed to implementing strategies that not only lessen these effects but also help our communities and ecosystems adjust to the changing environmental conditions.

Our office has launched several initiatives that symbolise our proactive stance towards environmental stewardship. A key project is the transformation of the Presidential Palace into a Zero Waste to Landfill site, a collaborative effort with First Lady Philippa Karsera Christodoulides. Demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, this initiative involves comprehensive waste management strategies and the reduction of single-use items. Importantly, this initiative has been expanded to all Ministries and Deputy Ministries, reinforcing our determination to lead Cyprus towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Furthermore, we actively engage in educational and awareness campaigns to cultivate a culture of environmental consciousness amongst our citizens. From organising large-scale recycling drives to promoting the use of renewable energy sources, our actions are geared towards a holistic approach to environmental conservation.

As we adopt the spirit of innovation and cooperation, shown by the TOLERATE programme, we are on a collective journey towards a sustainable future. This path requires the united efforts of governments, academia, industries and individuals. Together, we have the power to build a future that is not only resilient to climate change but also thrives in harmony with our natural world.

In closing, I wish all individuals and organisations involved in the TOLERATE research programme every success in their work. We eagerly anticipate the results that will emerge from your collective efforts, in hope that they will not only enhance our understanding of nature and climate adaptation, but also pave the way for sustainable solutions that safeguard our environment for generations to come. Thank you for your commitment to this goal. I wish you all a successful meeting and fruitful deliberations.