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10-01-2024 18:40

Statements by the President of the Republic on the actions of the Turkish occupation forces in Deneia

All measures are being taken on the part of the Republic of Cyprus so that the feeling of safety of the inhabitants in the area adjacent with the buffer zone is not affected to any extent, President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides said tonight in reference to the Turkish provocative actions in Deneia.

In statements to the Press upon arrival at the Technological University of Cyprus in Lemesos, called to refer to the new provocative actions that took place in Deneia, where trenches are being opened, and asked how the Republic of Cyprus will react, the President of the Republic said that he has been immediately informed of the incident and is expecting a relevant memo to be submitted tonight.

I have spoken to the President of the Community myself, I have contacted him in order to be informed. Indeed, it constitutes an act on the part of the occupying forces outside the buffer zone. It is something for which we will take all the necessary measures, both as regards the UN as well as the EU.

We are witnessing this increasing trend on the part of the Turkish occupying forces, it was for this reason that I have addressed the UNSG.

What I conveyed to the President of Deneia Community, which I also wish to express through my statements is that all [necesssary] measures are being taken on the part of the Republic of Cyprus so that the feeling of safety of the inhabitants of the areas adjacent to the buffer zone is not affected to any extent. I repeat, it is something we are constantly monitoring”.

Asked whether the present provocative action was included in his letter to the UNSG, the President of the Republic said: “No, this provocative action took place later.  Such movements within the buffer zone occur frequently. I repeat, this one falls outside the buffer zone, but it is condemnable because it affects the overall situation.”

Asked whether the Government contacted the UN on this issue, the President of the Republic said: “Of course, both the UN and the EU, as well as other countries which can be of assistance to us so that we face the current situation.”

Responding to a question about the expectations as regards the efforts to reach a solution to the Cyprus problem as well as the expectations regarding the UNSG envoy, in light of the provocation of the occupying regime, the President of the Republic said: I fully understand your question, and such actions are certainly not conducive to the resumption of talks.

At the same time, however, they prove that the current status quo, which is unacceptable, is not static, unacceptable new faits accomplis are continuously being created, which create further distance as regards the solution prospects of the Cyprus Problem. I am, therefore, aware of the difficulties, the provocations, but, at the same time, the only solution to all these problems that have been arising for the past 50 years of continuing occupation is the solution to the Cyprus Problem. It is for this reason that, without disregarding the difficulties, we welcome the appointment (of the UN Secretary General's envoy), and we are expecting her to visit Cyprus as soon as possible, in order to see how the prospects for the resumption of talks are created.”