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01-10-2024 19:05

Televised message of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Cyprus on October 1st

Fellow compatriots,

This year marks 64 years since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. It is a peak moment in the long History of our country, as a result of timeless struggles of our people that culminated in the anti-colonial struggle, leading to the independence of our country.

The day of celebration of the Republic of Cyprus is also a day of remembrance, honour and awe to all those who, with their struggle and sacrifices, managed to make Cyprus an independent and sovereign state.

Ladies and gentlemen,

From the first moment of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, unfortunately, there was no shortage of difficulties and challenges, nor of deceits. It took constant struggles to maintain the independence, the sovereignty and territorial integrity as there has never been a moment when it was not challenged. To those who sacrificed their lives for the preservation of the constitutional legitimacy, state and people humbly pay their due tribute.

In 1974, our country, still in its infancy, suffered a double crime. The treacherous Junta coup gave Turkey the excuse it was looking for to go ahead with the barbaric invasion with all the tragic consequences that we continue to experience for 50 years now. Already half a century: The possession of 37% of its territory, the refugees, the missing persons, the enclaved, the dispossession of our properties and ancestral homes, the destruction of our cultural and religious heritage.

Despite the difficulties, the destruction and the suffering that followed, the Republic of Cyprus and our people reassembled and worked hard, succeeding in 2004 to become a member of the great European family and then, in 2008, of the Eurozone. Undoubtedly, our joining of the European Union was the most important development in the history of our country after the independence, because our country was included in a core of countries with which it would have a common future and beneficial interaction in multiple areas. Since then, our status as a member state of the European family affects positively all aspects of our daily life, raising the standard of living of our citizens and opening up new paths for pupils, students, businessmen and all Cypriot European citizens.

Myself, as well as all the members of the Government, make good use of this capacity, in all ways and at all levels in order to achieve prosperity and improve the quality of life of citizens, equal opportunities for all without exclusions; however, our primary goal is to put an end to occupation and reunify our homeland.

Dear friends,

Half a century from the dark summer of 1974, our country remains under occupation with the unacceptable status quo carrying serious risks and not allowing us to take full advantage of the prospects and opportunities that Cyprus and its people could have. As I have repeatedly stated, there is an urgent need to get rid of the occupation and division and provide our children with open horizons of peace and security in order to be creative and prosper.

From the first day I assumed office, with having a specific plan and utilising our status as a Member State of the European Union, as well as our relations with important actors on the international fora, we managed to stimulate international interest, taking initiatives and proving our political will in practice.

Returning from the General Assembly of the United Nations, I can state with certainty that everyone now recognises our constructive approach and focus is now put on Turkey for the resumption of fundamental talks on the basis of the agreed framework. It was a week of continuous meetings and efforts. We make and I make the most of every contact. For Cyprus. By always staying focused on the important and big issues. I am ready. I know very well the goals we are pursuing. I know the limits of compromise and our red lines, and I hope that within October, the meeting with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Turkish Cypriot leader will take place with positive results. Addressing our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, I assure them that I clearly hear their anxiety and desire for reunification, for coexistence and creativity in our common home, in the Republic of Cyprus as a Member State of the European Union.

Fellow compatriots,

For the much-desired liberation and reunification of our homeland, we must work timelessly, and I do this through the implementation of our governmental programme, our social contract with the Cypriot people, for the strengthening of all sectors of our country. Our country must be strong economically, politically and in defence as well as prosperous. The strengthening of our state is a basic prerequisite not only for the resumption of dialogue but also for the achievement of a functional and sustainable solution.

Sixty-four years since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, we dare to transform and synchronise our state, so that it can respond to today’s conditions for the well-being of all citizens. Our vision, our main goal and pursuit is to improve the daily life of each and every one of you, in a Cyprus that is really changing and that is constantly reformed. With a Responsible Economic Policy, a modern Digital State, a Model of Transparency and Accountability, Socially Sensitive and Proud of its role in the region. A self-confident Cyprus that cares for all and not the few. A State that has the New Generation, the Young Men and Women at the forefront of its actions.

Within this context, with focus on MAN’s well-being, we proceeded to implement policies in order to modernise our State, to improve the daily life of the citizen, to provide solutions to problems that caused hardship to citizens in all areas of life.

We moved quickly, among many things, with the most comprehensive Housing Policy which aims to substantially increase the housing stock of our country. We dared and changed the procedures to deal with the bureaucracy, while we move forward with the digitisation of our State. We achieved the payment of the statutory pension within a month. We significantly increased maternity leave from 18 to 22 weeks. We reinforced child benefit and implemented the pan-Cypriot Neighbourhood Social Worker. We increased the number of full-day schools, we lowered the compulsory school age to the age of 4 and offered financial assistance to the families with children at the start of the school year. We revised the minimum wage and announced a programme to support the elderly. We tackle the energy costs with specific plans such as “Solar panels for all”. We are successfully dealing with one of the biggest challenges, none other than the Immigration problem. In an effort to safeguard the interests of the Cypriot people, we dared to terminate and renegotiate public contacts which were problematic. We did not hesitate to ask for the help of foreign authorities in investigating corruption phenomena, and we are moving forward in the framework of transparency, accountability and the more effective functioning of institutions with bold reforms, which touch upon all institutions of the State, having started from the Executive Power with the establishment of the Advisory Board, the Internal Control Unit in the Presidency and the process of creating a Single Supervisory Authority. We continue with the Law Office of the Republic, the Audit Service and the Central Bank of Cyprus. Transparency and Accountability everywhere, with absolute respect of the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. The public interest is our first and only motivation, in a Cyprus that is changing. We are here only to serve the interests of the Cypriot people to whom we are solely liable.

In the same context of transparency and accountability, since last June, every citizen can directly and centrally monitor the implementation of the government plan, while at the beginning of each year we have for the first time instituted the presentation of the government’s priorities, so that every citizen will have knowledge and be able to judge us. By utilising technology, we institutionalised dialogue with society and especially the New Generation and proceeded with the decision to register automatically to the electoral rolls as well as the right to vote at the age of 17.

We dared and took international initiatives at the regional level. We instituted strategic partnerships by strengthening the footprint of our country internationally and by proving our role as a pillar of stability and security in the region. I affirmed this in New York, our businessmen abroad experience it, our diaspora is aware of it as well. We have an internationally trusted voice and an unwaveringly clear external orientation.

Dear friends,

Our country has the second highest growth rate in the European Union of 3.7% in the second semester of 2024, while it has one of the lowest inflation rates of less than 2%. During the 19 months of our governance, we have had successive upgrades of our economy from all international rating agencies who have upgraded our investment grade. Unemployment is the lowest it has been in the last 15 years and fiscal surplus will rise to 3.3% of GDP in 2025, while public debt as a GDP percentage is expected to be at 64.2% in 2025. In other words, it will be about 5% lower in comparison to 2024.

All of the aforementioned is not just numbers. It is about data that, among other things, strengthen the competitiveness of our country, allowing us to profess quality foreign investments, and, most importantly, enabling us to invest in Social Welfare, Education, Health and Safety. To support our pensioners in a targeted way, the large families and single parents, the people with disabilities and the children in need. To allow us to apply institutional reforms, to implement important actions for the benefit of the family, the mother, the elderly, the New Generation of our country, of the small and medium enterprises, of the people of our Cyprus. To strengthen the backbone of the Cypriot society, the middle-class. Within this framework, for 2025, we will increase expenditure on Education, Health and Social Benefits by 5.2%. Based on the same reasoning, we have also started tax reform with the aim of establishing a fair, effective and sustainable tax system which will not only promote development but will also strengthen social cohesion, with particular emphasis on the indispensable support of middle-class, of each family and its needs. For us, family and its institution must be protected and supported, and subfertility must be addressed through meaningful interventions and actions.

Fellow compatriots,

This is the state and Cyprus we deserve. For the people who went through so much suffering and who want to provide their children with a more optimistic future, with equal opportunities, where the many will prosper and not only the few.

This is the change we promised the Cypriot people, to take our country to the New Era, and this is the struggle we continue with devotion, persistency, prudence, focusing on the goals that have already begun to bear fruit in a Cyprus that is transforming.

Fellow compatriots,

Our State, the Republic of Cyprus, is our most important achievement and the safeguarding and strengthening of its existence, both in the interior and internationally, is of our highest priority. We continue in unity in order to change our homeland and to make Cyprus a place of peace, security, prosperity and progress. For all, with no exemptions.

Happy Anniversary!


For the President's message in Turkish click here.

For the televised address of the President of the Republic in Greek press here.