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14-10-2024 17:10

Welcome Address by the Minister of Transport, Communications, and Works of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Alexis Vafeades, at the DG Reform & EIB Joint Event for the Launching of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Projects in Cyprus

Overview of the vision for Cyprus in enhancing sustainable mobility and meeting our target under “Fit for 55”

It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you all to this pivotal event marking the launch of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) projects for Lemesos and Larnaca. These projects represent more than just a series of infrastructure upgrades; they embody our national commitment to building a sustainable, smart, and resilient transport network that serves the needs of both current and future generations. Today, we celebrate a critical step in our collective journey towards creating cities that prioritise clean energy, low-carbon mobility solutions, and overall urban sustainability.

The vision of sustainable mobility is one that we, at the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works, hold at the core of our development agenda. We have long recognised that the future of Cyprus's urban development depends on how effectively we can adapt to the challenges of climate change, urbanisation, and the energy transition. The SUMP projects we are launching today reflect our comprehensive approach to rethinking urban mobility by integrating transport, energy, and environmental policies. These initiatives, funded under the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Cyprus, are also fully aligned with the European Green Deal and the “Fit for 55” package, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

The transport sector's participation in the National Energy and Climate Plan is crucial, as it is responsible for 49% of the island's greenhouse gas emissions, with a national target of a 32% reduction in emissions. It also accounts for a significant share of energy consumption, with 52% of national final energy consumption coming from transport. The Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works's action plan for climate change includes two main pillars of measures, focusing on sustainable and active mobility, both to reduce the negative environmental impact of the transport sector and to address related issues such as traffic congestion.

The first pillar aims to reduce the use of private vehicles for daily commuting from 91% to 82% by 2030. This goal will be achieved through actions such as implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in all cities, strengthening public transport, and promoting active transportation by implementing infrastructure like bus lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks, Park and Ride facilities, bus stations, and modern bus stops, while simultaneously alleviating traffic congestion.

The second pillar focuses on renewing the vehicle fleet with non-polluting vehicles, particularly by increasing the share of electric vehicles to 8% by 2030. To achieve this, the Ministry has launched subsidy schemes for electric vehicles and charging stations for the third consecutive year.

Cyprus, like many EU member states, faces unique challenges in achieving the ambitious targets under “Fit for 55.” However, we view these challenges as opportunities to innovate and transform our transport sector, making it a driver of sustainable development. The projects in Limassol and Larnaca will reduce traffic congestion, improve public transport infrastructure, and promote cleaner, more energy-efficient modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, and public transport. By investing in these sustainable urban mobility strategies, we are ensuring that our cities become more accessible, livable, and resilient to future disruptions. The long-term impact of these projects will not only benefit the environment, but also enhance the quality of life for all Cypriot citizens.

Ladies and gentlemen, our vision for Cyprus is clear: to become a nation where sustainable mobility is at the heart of our urban planning, our transport policies, and our economic development strategies. To achieve this, we must embrace new technologies, shift towards cleaner transport modes, and ensure that mobility solutions are inclusive and accessible to all citizens. The SUMP projects being launched today will deliver on this vision, with a focus on making our cities greener and smarter, while contributing significantly to Cyprus's overall decarbonisation goals.

We also understand that sustainable mobility is not merely about cutting emissions; it is about improving the quality of life in our urban centres by fostering a shift towards cleaner, healthier, and more efficient transport options. By reducing traffic congestion, encouraging public transportation use, and promoting active mobility like walking and cycling, we will help reduce air pollution, enhance public health, and make our cities more attractive places to live and work. Through these actions, we aim to contribute to the collective European effort to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to all the stakeholders involved in these transformative projects. I extend my sincere thanks to DG Reform and the European Investment Bank, whose financial and technical support has been invaluable in bringing these initiatives to life. Additionally, the collaboration with local authorities, particularly the Mayors of Lemesos, Kato Polemidia, Mesa Geitonia, Ayios Athanasios, Germasogeia, Larnaka, Aradippou, and Dromolaxia/Meneou, has been vital in ensuring that these projects are well-tailored to the specific needs of each city. This partnership between national and local governments, European institutions, and the private sector is a shining example of how we can work together to build a sustainable future for Cyprus.

Looking ahead, the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works is fully committed to continuing our efforts in supporting the green transition in Cyprus. We will work closely with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of the SUMP projects and further strengthen our policy framework for sustainable mobility. We believe that by aligning our transport strategies with the goals of the European Green Deal and “Fit for 55,” we are not only meeting our environmental responsibilities but also seizing the opportunity to modernise our transport infrastructure, stimulate economic growth, and improve the well-being of our citizens.

In conclusion, today’s event is not just a ceremonial launch of projects; it is the launch of a new era for Cyprus in sustainable urban mobility. Together, in line with the local authorities and their vision of smart cities, we are shaping the future of our cities and taking decisive steps toward a greener, smarter, and more inclusive transport network.

I thank you all for your presence today and for your continued commitment to this important cause. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Public Works Department for their continuous efforts in the planning and completion of the projects.

I look forward to the positive impacts these initiatives will have, and I am confident that with your support, we will achieve our shared vision of a sustainable, resilient, and thriving Cyprus.