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30-11-2018 12:42

Demographic Report 2017


The population of the Government controlled area is estimated at 864.200 at the end of 2017, compared to 854.800 at the end of 2016, recording an increase of 1,1%.

The proportion of children below 15 was estimated at 16,2% while the proportion of persons aged 65 and over increased to 15,9% in 2017, compared to 22,3% and 11,3% respectively in 2000. There was therefore a gradual increase in the proportion of old-aged persons and a decrease in the proportion of children, demonstrating the ageing process of the population.






In 2017 the number of births in the Government controlled area decreased to 9.229 from 9.455 the year before, giving a crude birth rate of 10,7 per 1.000 population. The total fertility rate for 2017 decreased to 1,32 from 1,37 in 2016. The total fertility rate decreased gradually during the past years, from its local peak of 2,46  in the period 1982-1985. Since 1995 the total fertility rate remains below the replacement level of 2,10.



The mean age of women at the birth of their first child was 29,2 years while the mean age at birth irrespective of the order of child was 30,8 years in 2017.


The number of deaths in the Government controlled area reached 5.996 in 2017 and the corresponding crude death rate was 7,0 deaths per 1.000 population.

Expectation of life at birth was estimated at 80,0 years for males and 84,1 years for females in 2017 compared with 80,3 years for males and 84,7 for females in 2016.

Infant mortality has admittedly reached a very low level estimated at 1,3 infant deaths per 1.000 live births in 2017.

Marriages and Divorces

The total number of marriages in 2017 decreased to 13.062 from 13.558 the year before. Ecclesiastical marriages remained about the same as in 2016 (3.942 as compared to 3.926 in 2016) and civil marriages decreased from 9.632 in 2016 to 9.120 in 2017. As in the past few years, a large number of foreigners who married in Cyprus by civil marriage were not residing in Cyprus. Out of 9.120 civil marriages celebrated in 2017 only 1.940 were civil marriages of residents of Cyprus. Thus the total number of marriages of residents totaled 5.882.  

The total number of divorces in 2017 was 1.932 and the crude divorce rate was calculated at 2,25 per 1.000 population. 





Net migration in Cyprus has been positive from 1983 to 2011. For the period 2012-2015, net migration has been negative. As from 2016 net migration became positive again. In 2017, it was estimated at 6.201.

Long-term immigrants (Cypriots and foreigners arriving for settlement or for temporary employment for one year or more) were 21.306 in 2017, compared to 17.391 in 2016.

The number of emigrants (Cypriots and foreigners who had resided in Cyprus for at least one year) was estimated at 15.105 in 2017 compared to 14.892 in 2016.



Crude birth, death and divorce rates – Are respectively the numbers of births, deaths and divorces per 1.000 population.

Total fertility rate – The number of children a woman would have if she experienced the age specific fertility rates of a given year and she lived until the end of her reproductive life, i.e. until her 50th birthday.

Age specific fertility rate – The number of births occurring to women of a given age-group during a year divided by the total number of women in that age-group.

Life expectancy at birth – Indicates the number of years a newborn baby is expected to live if mortality in the various age-groups remains at the level of the period on which the life expectancy is computed.

Infant mortality rate – The ratio of deaths of infants under one year old per 1.000 live births of the same year.

Net migration – The balance between in-migration and out-migration. 

Sources of data and Coverage

Population estimates are based on Census results updated annually to take account of the components of change, births, deaths and net migration.

Birth statistics are based on registered events occurring during the reference year, which are registered up to May of the following year.

Death statistics are mainly based on registered events occurring during the reference year, which are registered up to May of the following year.

Marriages are compiled by the staff of the Statistical Service from the Registers at the eleven ecclesiastical districts of Cyprus as well as the Armenian, Maronite and Catholic Churches. Data concerning civil marriages are obtained from the Ministry of Interior.

Divorces are obtained from family courts.

Migration statistics are based on the results of the Passenger Survey, as well as on administrative and other sources available to the Statistical Service.


For more information:

Statistical Service (CYSTAT) Website, subtheme Population


Loukia Makri: Tel: +35722602150, Email:
