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29-01-2019 20:36

Reference on Cyprus in the Joint Declaration of the 5th Summit of the Southern European Union Countries- Lefkosia, 29 January 2019

Par. 5 We reiterate our steadfast support to the ongoing efforts by the United Nations Good Offices Mission for the resumption of meaningful negotiations leading to a comprehensive and viable solution to the Cyprus problem in accordance with relevant UNSC Resolutions and in line with the EU acquis, values and principles. We commend the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus to reach a solution, which reunifies Cyprus and its people, safeguards Cyprus’ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, free of foreign interventions, troops and guarantees. The Republic of Cyprus is and will remain a member of the European Union following reunification, and EU membership is the best safeguard for a reunited Cyprus. It is of utmost importance that the EU remains actively involved in the negotiations upon resumption, in order to ensure that a reunited Cyprus remains a fully functional member of the Union, compliant with EU acquis.