06-03-2025 18:33
Press release on the decision of the Committee of Deputy Ministers of the Council of Europe at its 1521st meeting on the implementation of the ECHR judgments on the missing persons aspect
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes note of today’s decision of the Committee of Ministers' Deputies of the Council of Europe, according to which the Committee preserves the supervision of the implementation of the ECHR Decision as regards the Fourth Inter-State Case Cyprus v. Turkey (Missing Persons) + Varnava and others v. Turkey.
In this decision, the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe acknowledges the humanitarian significance of the missing persons issue in Cyprus. Turkey is called upon to grant the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP) unhindered access to all areas where remains of missing persons may be located and to provide CMP with all relevant information.
Moreover, the Committee invites Turkey to continue keeping the Committee informed of any new developments, including on any additional investigation which might have been initiated regarding the remaining six missing persons in the Varnava case.
Τhe Committee of Ministers' insists firmly on the unconditional obligation of Turkey to pay the awarded sums in the Cyprus v. Turkey judgment of 12 May 2014 and the Varnava and Others v. Turkey judgment of 18 September 2009, deploring the absence of response to the relevant Interim Resolutions of 2021 and 2022. Turkey is strongly urged to promptly make these payments without further delay.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its appreciation to the Law Office of the Republic of Cyprus for the close cooperation and coordination.
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