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Resolution 357 (1974)

Adopted by the Security Council on 14 August 1974.

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 353 (1974) of 20 July 1974, 354 (1974) of 23 July 1974 and 355 (1974) of 1 August 1974,

Deeply deploring the resumption of fighting in Cyprus contrary to the provisions of its resolution 353 (1974),

1. Reaffirms its resolution 353 (1974) in all its provisions and calls upon the parties concerned to implement those provisions without delay;

2. Demands that all parties to the present fighting cease all firing and military action forthwith;

3. Calls for the resumption of negotiations without delay for the restoration of peace in the area and constitutional government in Cyprus in accordance with resolution 353 (1974);

4. Decides to remain seized of the situation and on instant call to meet as necessary to consider what more effective measures may be required if the cease-fire is not respected.

Adopted unanimously at the 1792nd meeting.